
Feed Brains, Set Soul Free

Weekend it's time for relaxing, for working out, for going on a trip, and for reading. Shallow beauty is just about looks, but the healthy and constructive beauty is about feeding body as well as intelligence and what better than choosing an amusing and challenging book? Here's a selection of eight books that will help you to improve as well as to unmask some myths that damage our self-steem.

1) Glamourama by Brett Easton Ellis*: This writter belonged to the class of the successful people, in the 80's, and as a consecuence, he payed the consecuences. In his books he reflects about the shallowness of his world, the solitude, and the drugs. A classic said that some are so poor that just have money. Glamourama was one of his attempts of the 90's, with fashion businness in the target: a group of disatisfied models want to shock to the system and that's literally, with a bomb. No one mentioned so many brands as to make them disgusting. Perfect for a reflection as well as for bursting into laughter.

2) Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger (2003): That's the story of a day in the life of the co-assistant of the editor of the most important fashion magazine. Apparently, a dream job for a just graduated journalist, but, in fact, a nightmare when your boss is unberable perfectionist and requires even your spare time. Released as film in 2006, starring Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway, it scored good critics and the Golden Globe for Best Actress for Meryl Streep. Rumor has it Anna Wintour, the editor of Vogue USA, was the inspiration for the role of the ruthless editor. An opportunity to see fashion world with different eyes and to have some good laughs.

3) Simplify Your Life by Elain St. James:This book it's introduced as "the best guide to reduce speed and enjoying important life". The author tells the story of her life and her transformation process from the unhappy 80's workholic executive with high expectations to the happy person with a staisfying job and handable demands. "The wise men of all cultures have told time after time that the secret for happiness it's not about getting more but about wanting less", concludes in the introduction.

4) La curación emocional by David Servan-Schreiber (Kairós, Colección Ensayo 2005):This edition it's a translation into Spanish from the original in French (Guérir, Editions Rober Laffont, 2003). From the cover the writer promises to finish with stress, anxiety and deppression without medicines and psychoanalisis, based in the advance of neurosciences and psychology. He based his theories in that our passions are the center of our lives and if they are desajusted, our balance it's lost. So the solution, in his opinion, lays in following some easy rules as working out, acupuncture, and having strong relationships with other persons.

5) Nuestra incierta vida normal by Luis Rojas Marcos (2004): Published in Spanish, it's an essay of the prestigious doctor Luis Rojas Marcos about the possibilities of neutralizing insecurity and unquieteness in our life. He reflects about where do our fears come from in an apparently comfortable society, if suffering is unavoidable, and if it's not, how to fight it."For maximizing the possibilities of living illusioned, not only we have to consider in a wide and in a realistic perspective the circumstances that move us but also it's is as important to strenghten the defenses that protect our emotional balance form internal conflicts and from the agression of the enviroment, and to feed the roots of joy", he determines.

6) Los siete poderes by Álex Rovira Celma (Ediciones Urano, Colección Empresa Activa, 2006): Published in Spanish, this is a bestseller, the perfect gift for Christmas. It's written by a Bachelor in Managerial and consultor of some of the most important multination enterprises and non proft organizations of Europe, and author of La Buena Suerte, translated to 38 languages. Posed as a travel to the land of destiny, it's told as a night tale, with the hero facing dangers in his way to fulfulling his mission, addressed to those who want to progress in their careers but also to those to want to progress in their lifes.In his opinion, courage, responsability, proposal, humility, confidence, love, union and cooperation are the powers for succeding amd available for everyone. "It's not that we do not dare because things are difficult. Simply we make them difficult because we do not dare", Seneca said. In the web http://www.lossietepoderes.com/ you can try your own trip.

7) Nutrición y salud by Grande Covián: Published in Spanish, it's the masterpiece of one of the most important Spanish nutritionist. He wrote this book with the purpose to set the basic nutrition rules and of showing how diets turn effective and to end with some curious theories about food that only damage our health. Written with a plain language, it's easy to read, and gives the necessary concepts in no more than in 200 pages.

8) No verbal communication by Flora Davies: We usually forget about the importance of our body language and concentrate in our words. The saying states that action speak louder than words but what's more, gestures speak louder than words. The appropiate communication comes from a perfect combination between gestures and words, when they do not contradict each other. This can be important in mahy situations, as in work interviews. This book shows the most common gestures and how to show the right image for every moment as well as to how to discover a cheater.
*When editorial it's not indicated that's because they are so classic books they can be easily found in different editions.

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